Shivani Adib

Storyweaver for children and freelance editor

The Healer of Indrostan

HOI coverThe Healer of Indrostan is available worldwide as a Kindle edition (India url: It is also available as a paperback edition for amazon users in the US / UK / DE / FR / ES / IT / JP / CA / AU.

5/5 average rating on

“Very interesting read.
Very interesting story. Another masterpiece by the author. We revisit the magical land of Indrostan on another adventure with our favourite characters. Couldn’t put it down. Spent an entire evening reading it and I really wished I could be there in that world with all the characters. Must-read for anyone over 8. Engrosses children and adults alike.” – Amazon Customer (5 stars)

“Thrilling adventure…
I loved this book! Saloni and Kunal take another visit to Indrostan to find a cure for their sick Chacha. I recommend this book to people who love magic, adventure, friendship and love.
Ahana, age 9” – Rajni A (5 stars)

Wonderful book. A nice twist in middle ,plus the chapters are very connecting. Very interesting. Also gives opening to a new land (Indrostan) Couldn’t put it down.
Reviewed by – Ananyaasri ( 9 years old)” – Shyamala (5 stars)